Let me start by saying that this commitment challenge has come at the perfect time! Last week my family and I moved into a new place that has all of the wonderful ammenities our previous residence eliminated. We have a swimming pool again and a playground too! We are very excited to be here!
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My Closet |
I am NOT excited to be surrounded
by boxes, bins, bags, and bulk!
I hate the feeling that being
disorganized leaves me with.
Clutter is my enemy! I spend more
time looking for things than I do
actually using them! Grrrr....
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Part of Living Room |
The day we chose to move was a spur of the moment opportunity because Daddy was home and could assist my brother with moving all of the big items. I decided I didn't want to stay in the old place without the big items. You know: luxuries like a bed, table, couch, dressers...luxury my butt! I need that stuff!
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Lining my bedroom wall |
packing bins and boxes and
moving things over all in one day.
This means that each box could
contain items from anywhere that
do not necessarily belong together.
Just thinking about the task ahead is very overwhelming considering my already busy schedule that accompanies being a full-time employee, student, and mother of three.
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Part of My Bedroom |
I commit to sorting through this monstrosity that lerks in every corner of every room and find a home for every single item lying around.

Plan of Action:
My plan of action is simple:
Grab a box, go through the box!
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Outside Bath |
Put contents of boxes, bins, and bags away in an organized fashion. I have included some photos that I just walked around and snapped; they will give you a clear understanding of my starting point and will be a reminder of my accomplishment in 32 days.
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Hallway |
Tomorrow is Day 1...WISH ME LUCK!
Day 1: Wed., April 9th
Today was a long day. It was 8pm and the alarm went off on my phone reminding me to write what I have accomplished toward my goal. I hadn't accomplished a thing. It appears this challenge is exactly what I need to push me. With weary eyes and a sore back, I looked around and thought to myself...Where the heck do I start.

I thought the dining room area was an important area to clear off quickly. I like when we sit and eat dinner at the table as a family and tonight it just wasn't possible. Also, this is where the kids do their homework.
This was tonight's undertaking. Sifting through odds and ends of things that were gathered from the old apartment yesterday...without boxes.
Not fun...
I am proud to say, I found the table...it turns out it was there the whole time...who knew! I thought I might oober impress and have the pictures hanging on the bare walls too, but the hammer is...well, I have no idea where.
Day 2: Thurs., April 10th
My son had a play date today which means I had not one, but two toddlers here all day and a puppy. I also worked for a couple hours after the older kids got home from school. Needless to say, I was not very productive. I did manage to put away two rather small boxes of kitchen stuff. My spices are now safe in a kitchen cubbard as well as cans of veggies, soups, and spaghettios. A little disappointed that I didn't get more done, but it's only day two so I will try not to beat myself up too much. Forward motion...
Day 3: Fri., April 11th
Today felt like two steps forward and three steps back. After working all day, doing homework, and taking care of three kids (one of which was a challenge from sunrise to sunset), I really wasn't sure how much more I had left in me to accomplish anything. But, a commitment is a commitment.
My two steps forward were getting my kitchen clean and organized as well as organizing the kid's bathroom. I emptied three more small boxes and a big, black garbage ban that wasn't very full. It had clothes to be washed. Simple fix. The only thing I have left to do in the kitchen is clean the top of the stove and put the dishes away once the dishwasher finishes doing its magic.
My three steps back...There are three boxes on the table that weren't there last night. I'm honestly not sure if I put them there or if one of the kids did. I don't know what is in them and quite frankly, I don't care. I will move them because I like being able to look at SOMETHING and see a clean surface without clutter.
I am a little sad that the hammer hasn't presented itself, but I guess not too sad since I haven't yet formed a search party to find it. The blank white walls are so plain and sad. I hate looking at them. I love being surrounded by pictures of my family. Their smiling faces remind me that days don't always have to be as bad as today was, but that's a different story.
Day 4: Sat., April 12th
Today I didn't unpack anything. No excuses, I just didn't. However, the boxes that found their way to the dining room table yesterday, whose content I didn't care about, didn't just get moved to another location. I didn't want to move them knowing I was leaving them to be dealt with another day, so I opened them up and put their contents away before going to bed last night.
Day 5: Sun., April 13th
Today I managed to empty one big garbage bag and a couple of small boxes. There are now 6 empty boxes by my front door. I am hoping that will be enough to pack up the rest of my kitchen at the old place. I hate that there is still more to do over there. Have to find time and energy soon, not to mention motivation, because the month is slipping by quickly! My table is still clear and the hammer is still hiding. Bastard.
Day 6: Mon., April 14th
I am not starting this week off good at all. I managed to clean the kitchen this evening, which meant putting away a single small box of kitchen items, but that is as far as I got. Clearly there was more cleaning than unpacking going on.I really hope tomorrow goes better. I really want this whole thing done by the end of this challenge and it has already been almost a week.
Oh yea, I found the hammer! Yes, there was a small celebration! By the time I found it, I felt it was too late to start hammering, but at least now I know I can!
Day 7: Tues., April 15th
Tonight was another night of Mission NOT Accomplished. I have come to the realization that "finding" time and energy to do this overwhelming task isn't working. I must "make" time to work on this. Starting tomorrow I will pencil in at least 30 minutes a night to do things that will advance me toward my goal. I know I really should make it an hour, but let's start small and work our way up.
Day 8: Wed., April 16th
I do have a little bit of progress to report. After an unexpected nap, I managed to get up and unload two garbage bags of stuff and put them away, sort of. Yes, some things are in big, thick, black garbage bags because this move got kicked into high gear and I packed in a day...with what I had to work with. One bag contained shoes, easy fix you would think. Not when you haven't cleared the boxes from the closet that are in the way of where the shoes will go. For now, at least the bag is out of the living room and in the bedroom where the shoes will eventually reside in my closet. The other bag had clean clothes in it. Some were hung, some are in storage bins until I clear the corner of the bedroom where the dresser is going to go.
Day 9: Thurs., April 17th
I am proud to say not only do I have a dining room, but I have a living room too! I managed to empty a few small boxes that were surrounding my end table, holding it hostage. I swept and mopped the floors and was able to lay down my new rug! It already feels more warm and inviting, as long as you don't look at the chaise lounge in the corner!
My goal for this weekend is to put away everything on the chaise lounge, donate the box of clothes by the front door, and start to hang up some pictures on the walls! Go me!!
Day 10: Fri., April 18th
I did not unpack a single bag or box today. I worked all day, then went to pick up my boys (one from daycare and one from school) and got home just in time to start work again. I took on the task of homework after feeding the kids dinner, managing to complete a few assignments for a couple of different classes. I still have more due before the weekend is over. My goal is still to clear off the chaise lounge, which I am starting to see is going to require a small miracle since work and homework comes before organizing our belongings.
Day 11: Sat., April 19th
Today was zero steps forward and I can't even tell you how many steps back. I think the boxes might be starting to multiply on their own; I must investigate further into this phenomenon. I swear the other day I had a dining room table. Now I have a bunch of boxes piled up that seem to be hovering above 4 legs. Ugh. My weekend goal is slipping away. I MUST find the dining room table in the morning so that we can keep our tradition of coloring eggs Easter morning. On a positive note, church was awesome tonight!
Day 12: Sun., April 20th
The weekend is pretty much over and although I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, I did accomplish something. The two big boxes, one small box, and the garbage bag full of stuff all got put away tonight, clearing yet another piece of furniture. I will have a couple of free hours before my rare late start time for work tomorrow, so I plan on accomplishing more then. Happy Easter!
Days 13 & 14: Mon., April 21st & Tues., April 22nd
The last two days have been very busy; this seems to be the norm lately. I am very excited to report that I got our dresser out of the hallway and into our bedroom! Yay! I hated passing it in the hallway a million times a day knowing it didn't belong there. Clutter is NOT a friend of mine! I also did a lot of work in our bedroom. When all was said and done, I had 5 empty bins and 3 empty boxes! I even managed to get a little bit of decor hung up in our bathroom! I hope Daddy is proud of the progress I am making. It isn't easy doing it all by myself while juggling work, school, three kids, and all of our homework. But, I am trying my best to get things done when I can -- which is really all I can do! This exhausted momma needs to hit the showers and take herself to bed!
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Well, I don't have any unpacking to report, however, I do have some packing progress to report. I have officially finished getting everything out of our old place, except a crib that I am giving to a friend and a chair that my brother is going to take to his place. Other than that, everything we own is now under our new roof! Yay! I was dreading having to go back there and deal with the odds and ends that were left behind, but I am glad it is done! All I have left to do is clean...go me!
Day 16: Thurs., April 24th
In celebration of doing such a great job emptying our old place, I decided to take tonight off! Totally kidding. Truth is I worked on homework all day. Not only did I not unpack the 4 bins and 2 boxes that got brought home after clearing out the old place, I didn't clean anything either. Yep...epic failure in that department; but, it's ok! Major success in homework department, which, after my family is my #1 priority. Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me over the next few days because this disorganization is killing me and I must make a dent in it soon...oh yea, and start preparing for finals. Ugh...
Day 17: Fri., April 25th
Wow, I can't believe this challenge is already half over! I wish half the work was done, but as I look around and survey things, I see that is most certainly not the case. It is getting there, but not as quickly as I would like. That having been said, I did manage to empty one big box and 3 small boxes. I also got some of my dining room decor on the walls as well as some decor in the hallway. Progress!
Day 18: Sat., April 26th
I really, really, really wants this done! It really, really, really didn't happen today. I definitely have a sense of overwhelm when it comes to all I have left to accomplish. If only cleaning fairies had friends who were organizational fairies...I would be set! Unfortunately, it's all on me and me is tired.
Day 19: Sun., April 27th
Once again, I was unproductive in the getting organized department. I worked a split shift where in between I had to go to my daughter's school. I did manage to play outside with the kids for a little while; boy, did my heart need that! I hope to be more successful tomorrow! I am trying not to get too discouraged and am reminding myself that sometimes other things are more important and must come first.
Day 20: Mon., April 28th
Today I have a little bit of success to report, but not much. I managed to empty a couple of small boxes and put their contents away; it was mainly kitchen stuff. I am feeling the pressure of the days counting down. I want so much more done by this weekend, but where do I find the time, energy, and cooperation of my children to not mess up everything I accomplish. I peeked in their bedrooms tonight. Not good...
Day 21: Tues., April 29th
Newsflash! I actually feel like I accomplished some things tonight! Not only did I clean a messy kitchen and dining room, but I managed to empty 1 large box, 1 medium box, and about 4 small boxes. Most of their contents were kitchen things. I even scrubbed them all down before putting them away! I know, right!! I feel really good about all I got done this evening; I just wish it didn't mean time away from Daddy. I am going to bed very late, but I feel like I did good tonight, and that is a good feeling.
Day 22: Wed., April 30th
I didn't unpack any boxes today, but at least I am completely done with the old place. I did manage to get a few more pictures hung today and a little cleaning but that's pretty much all I have to report. Tomorrow I have to work on homework, but home to get a lot more done as I take breaks. Lots to do.
Day 23: Thurs., May 1st
Today was a good day for getting things done! I emptied 3 more bins and washed EVERYTHING that goes in the kitchen. I hung some more pictures too; it is starting to look like home. I am going to get some more done before I go to bed, but that will mainly be straightening and a bit of picking up. My daughter's new bed arrived today, so hopefully Daddy can put that together for her when he gets home!
Days 24, 25, and 26: Fri thru Sun
We had a celebration of sorts over the weekend, so it was really crunch time to getting things done! I am glad to report that the main areas of our new place were clean, uncluttered and without any boxes or bins lying about. I finally got the chaise lounge cleaned off -- well, if "cleaned off" means thrown in to a bin to deal with another day! Hey...like I said, it was crunch time! At least most of our rooms look fabulous! There are several bins in our bedroom that still need to be addressed, most of which are clothes and an easy fix. Hopefully will get through all that this coming week -- as I also study for finals and work on the remainder of my assignments for this semester!
Days 27 and 28: Mon., May 5th and Tues., May 6th
I did get some more clothes put away, but there is still a lot more to get hung up and put in dressers. That's pretty much all I have to report at this time. This week I am needing to concentrate on studying for finals, as I mentioned in my previous post...that and spending time with my family while Daddy is home.
Days 29 through 32
I can say that this challenge has not been an easy one! There were daily struggles in trying to make time to get things done. In the end, I can say that a lot of our belongings found a place to go. I still have work to do, but if it hadn't been for taking on this challenge, I can say with certainty there would be a lot more left undone! My kitchen is fully stocked and organized, my dining room is decorated and functional and I have a living room that allows us to relax and provides a place for me to work from home too.
I absolutely love being a student, but am looking forward to taking the summer off to accomplish what is left of this daunting task, focus on my family, and have some fun! My first order of unpacking will be to organizing our bedroom closet and get the remainder of my clothes, shoes, and accessories put away! I look forward to a future I can almost see of clean closets, room to move around without scraping up my legs, and smiling faces.
End scene!